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I'm honored to see visitors from every one of the United States every month!
In addition to educators from every state and US territory, educators from more than 100 countries have visited my website and are translating and using the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrices.
Thank you for your interest in supporting EQUITY and DEEPER LEARNING for every student.

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I customize a variety of virtual and in-person professional learning opportunities:
workshops, coaching and classroom walk-throughs, and my popular book studies

CONTACT me to learn more.

And, be sure to visit the Archives page to check out "featured" posts.  

The Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrix

Today, schools and testing organizations across the US and other countries use the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrix in training materials for their professional development and curriculum and assessment work.


So where did the Hess CRM come from?

Learning Progressions

What are learning progressions? Learning progressions, progress maps, developmental continuums, and learning trajectories are all terms that have been used in the literature over the past decade to describe research-based descriptions of how learning typically develops over time, from Novice to Expert performance.

Read more about the development of the Learning Progressions Frameworks

Formative & Performance Assessment

Why take a formative assessment seriously? There is ample evidence that the changes involved in teacher practices will raise the scores of students on large-scale standardized tests. The changes have been shown to be feasible for teachers to implement successfully; and the changes can be made in small increments over time. 

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© since July 2014 Karin Hess, Ed.D.


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